"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Thursday 29 January 2009

A Tutorial It's Not

In an anonymous comment to Aurora Citizen, a resident indicates a desire to understand how council decisions are made. I smiled to myself and thought;: Bless Your Heart, you will not learn from watching this council.

Parliamentary Rules of Order have existed since the days of Oliver Cromwell. Oliver was not a sympathetic character in history. Even he would be aghast at the situation in Aurora.

This Council started at a disadvantage. Six newly elected members without an understanding that the authority of council is equally shared. A member elected to office for the first time is not expected to be an expert. Being a councillor is how one learns.

When I started, colleagues, particularly Mayor Clarence Davis, and staff were generous with their time and forbearance. I did not expect that consideration. I was an outsider after all.

I learned that respect for the office of Councillor takes precedence. We argued with passion, anger and sometimes inadvertent comedy. We were forced to laugh at ourselves on occasion. Rules of Order dictated that rancour and personal hostility had no place in the conduct of town business The merest hint of spite would draw forth a collective groan from around the table.

Sometimes a new Councillor took longer to realise he was not among enemies. Given common sense and the shared humbling experience of having been elected. a Council normally evolved into a cohesive unit with respect and recognition of the right and responsibility of each member to present a perspective on an issue at hand.

None of that happened with this council. A slate of candidates was elected on the new Mayor's coat-tails. They continue to be beholden. They follow their leader slavishly. They relinquished authority and put unlimited power in the hands of one. Good judgement does not come along with the package.

There is no need for principles, rules of order or concept of fairness. All resources are one person's to command. No opposition is tolerated. The majority block has thus far held firm.

Still the waters do not run smoothly.The Melodrama continues to unfold and be shown for what it is.

Four and a half centuries have passed since the days of Oliver Cromwell. Times have changed. People read and write and think for themselves and have the right to cast a ballot.

I have a seat at the table and a Blog. If I knew how to attach audio-visuals, I would tack that on too.

Maybe someday.

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