"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Sunday 21 March 2010

From A Distance

Perception grows and understanding takes its place.

November 13th 2007, Council went into a back room and instructed Mr Rust D'Eye. No prior or public notice of the meeting was given. No agenda provided of its purpose. In fact, the Mayor refused to disclose.

Obviously there had to have been previous discussion. From which at least one person was excluded. Me.

I was not among friends.

Council as a body is the sum of its parts. Aurora's Council is nine parts.

That night, apparently previously instructed, Mr Rust D'Eye attempted to separate a part from the body.

Now, with twenty-eight months intervening, it was truly an astounding concept.

It came to nought. How could it not?

Recommendations emanating from the secret process were two.

1. Council should appoint an executive committee of select members.

2. Council should adopt the Code of Conduct already in the works.

I know of no discussion of the first option. All that can be said for sure is, it didn't happen officially. Regular group discussions do occur after council meetings. Three Councillors McRoberts,Collins Mrakas and myself, do not participate.

We are all aware of :

The Code and First Integrity Commissioner, an ethics czar, hired;

Eight months later ,contract signed.

Days later, first Complaint filed and publicised with much bally-hoo.

Weeks later, first Decision rendered and delivered.

Concurrently almost, first Integrity Commissioner fired and dispatched.

Months later, Second Integrity Commissioner, solicitor at law, hired.

Mr. Rust D'Eye; apparently had little further involvement since first recommendations, written December 11th 2007, presented to Council May 6th 2008.

Can't hardly wait for next chapter.


Anonymous said...

Keep writing, we are all reading. This is very illuminating.

William Cobbett said...

Anonymous said...

"Keep writing, we are all reading. This is very illuminating."

... and very damning for the MorMac politburo - particularly in an election year.

Yes, Cllr Buck, please keep the information coming. We know we can't rely on our 'open and transparent' mayor (or her cronies) for it.