"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Saturday 5 June 2010

This One's A Dousy

I have been asked to list names of the people who have left the town's employ during this term.

Also, to clear up insinuations, I am requested to provide evidence of responsibility for the exodus.

On the face of it, an innocent request. Ya think?.

The question raises fundamental issues.

Employees have a right to privacy. Reasons for taking or leaving a job are private.

A person with many years invested in public service,must maximise the investment when changing employment.

Problems with a former employer are not an asset .Even less so with political employers.They tend to be skittish.

Circumstances of an employee's experience are not public unless the employee chooses to make it so.

When John Rogers, the town's former C.A.O.left, I publicly made a point of my high regard for Mr. Rogers' competence and integrity.

When Clerk Lucille King quit, the day she provided me with the decision of the first hired,first fired, Integrity Commissioner, I said she had not been allowed to do her job.

The Clerk is a statutory officer. He/she has legal responsibilities. Failure to perform the responsibilities can have legal consequences.

A few weeks previously minutes of a meeting were altered from what actually happened at the meeting. The Clerk, and only the Clerk, is responsible for keeping the public record.

A Municipal Clerk, hindered in performing legal duties is a person at risk. No employee can afford a job that puts them at odds with the law

I didn't need to ask Lucille King for the reason she quit. The reasons were already in the public domain.

At one time, I thought the Clerk of the Municipality had authority to compel Council to abide by the law. I guess I got that impression because I never knew a Mayor or Council to challenge the Clerk's advice on the law , let alone make a point of not receiving it.

This Council has taught me, in order to ensure you get one that abides by the rules, you have to elect it.

An election may not be a guarantee but it's the best chance you've got.

In past campaigns, when I asked for a vote, I asked for trust.

I didn't ask you to trust I won't steal money from the treasury.

I won't sell my vote.

I won't solicit bribes.

I won't bully and harass employees.

Or demand sexual favours.

Or ask the parks department to cut my grass and public works carry out my garbage

Or use the Town Hall for late night orgies and not invite you along.

I ask you trust me in the seat at the table to exercise my judgement. To make sense of what I see, hear and read and cast my vote in your best interest, as I see it.

I ask you to trust, I will speak frankly and freely, without fear or favour. I will call a spade a spade and you will always know where I stand.

I ask you base your judgement on my past performance of fullfilling my commitment.

When I indicated the Council in charge for the last forty-two months must take responsibility for the exodus of staff . That is not judgement. That is fact.

Don't ask me to further humiliate people who have been unjustly served in your name

Don't ask me to publicise the miserable details. You know I can't do that.

When I last solicited your vote I won a seat.

So trust me you must.


One Who Knows said...

You never have done anything but tell it like it is , stand up for what you believe in under any and all adversity, exude unimaginable common sense and have nothing but care and genuine compassion for those who are subjected to unfairness, Anyone who knows you , knows this.

Anonymous said...

Evelyn...we need a piece in the Auroran informing the great unwashed to look at your blog if they want to know the truth because like it or not...that's the way you tell it.