"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Sunday 24 October 2010

My Law Suit

Is close to the point of Examination for Discovery. A date has to be arrived at by agreement between the parties.

I am learning about the process as I go. The  time it has  taken is not unusual.

Here and there, since I launched the action, I have had to refer other documents to Kevin MacDonald, my lawyer. Including the complaints filed by Councillor MacEachern  with their chosen Integrity Commissioner David Tsubouchi.

He was informed he had no authority, since the matter was before the courts.  He failed to acknowledge the communication and dealt with them anyway.

The effort to silence me has been more or less constant since George Rust D'Eye advised  there was a way . At one time, the Mayor stated Mr. Rust D'Eye wrote the Code of Conduct but  I have no  evidence of that.

Depending on what happens to-morrow, hopefully the ongoing harassment will  come to an end.

The suit will not.


Anonymous said...

What I don't understand is why he went ahead after being made aware of the matter being before the courts?

Anonymous said...


David Heard said...

We are proud of you.

The dream begins....the nightmare is over for Aurora.

We will continue to support you through your lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

"My Lawsuit": what did you LOSE that you can sue?

What did "others" LOSE that they can sue?

I'll be interested in how $$$+Mud -slinging tactics fare over time.

I'm not convinced that the end justifies the means. Revenge leaves bloody hands.
What do you use to clean yours?

Of course you don't honor differing perspectives, and regard criticism of you hate mail....
but you demeaning others... that's heroic.

What about all your back room scheming?
Oh, that's good... because it's you doing it.

How about you & Tim Jones?
He lost his last run at mayor because he couldn't control you.
But you were an important tool for him exacting his revenge on Morris.
I hope you share that story on "Blog".

It's a story worth writing... and I do believe one day it will be written.

differing perspectives said...

"How about you & Tim Jones?
He lost his last run at mayor because he couldn't control you".

WOW! is this writer out of touch or what , must be the SSK Koolaid again. its always interesting to see another perspective but one as warped as this leaves you scratching your head, I cant wait for the Story worth writing it's sure to be an ammusing little ditty, Thanks for posting this one Ev its to bazzar to delete

Anonymous said...

Tsk Tsk...someone has their knickers in a twist! I can smell the venom...seems like you "LOST" something besides your temper! It appears there is a veiled threat in your correspondence. Quite revealing....