"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Monday 29 November 2010

The Farmers Market

During the summer,it came into its own.It became a place for people to meet and greet and exchange the latest tid-bits of scandal and intrigue. Everybody had fun.

When it ended, people were at a loss. It was sorely missed.

It appeared again on Saturday at the Church Street School... on the second floor.

People flocked to it. The street was packed with parked cars.There was an air of excitement and pleasure. Vendors sold out of product and some left early.Everyone is in favour of another market before Christmas.

If the word gets out, it might even be more successful than last Saturday's event. Maybe more vendors will come. More shoppers be drawn in to the centre of town.

Does anyone else recognize the irony?

The original justification for town support for a market was to bring shoppers back into the town centre. It didn't. When the move to the park was proposed, no objections were heard from town centre merchants.

It went to the park, generated enthusiastic support and became a people place.

Last Saturday, it came back to the centre and loyal patrons came too.

There's something very natural about that.

Only one query comes to mind. Why was the second floor of a precious jewel of a restored building, with decorator colours and polished floors and a grand piano, considered a likely home for a Farmer's Market? Where did that idea spring from?

I asked.

It's not clear. Seems somebody had the idea of approaching the Brothers for use of their vacant premises on Saturday from now until Christmas. The suggestion was not favourably received.

A person on the Farmers Market executive happens also to be a member of Church Street School Management Board. The second floor of the old school became the preferred option.

Why would the second floor of a building on a side street be preferable to a street level, plate glass store window space on Yonge Street?

The Brothers of course would have to agree. But first they would have to be asked.

The market would not exist without town support. What support had to be provided to hoist the gear to the second floor of the old school?

I'm not sure there was any. But I can't help wondering. If the town provided tables and set-up as they do in the park,who performed that service at the school.

If market vendors in the Town of Aurora require permits to vend. Did they get them for vending in the Church Street School.

The management board of the old school is arm's length from the town. If the tables and set-up was a town function, who authorized the co-ordination?
Maybe there was none. I don't know.

I do know tables were taken up in the elevator.Whose tables I don't know?

I know a fee was paid. Was it a vendors permit? Don't know that either.

You know, when you're a Councillor,you expect to be in a position of being able to answer questions...not to have to find things out after the fact.

Maybe there was a sponsorship grant provided to promote culture and tourism. I didn't know and I wasn't asked when the last one was handed out and I wasn't too pleased about that either,I can tell you.

But a sponsorship grant would not take the place of permission to vend.

I think it would be great to have a market in premises on Yonge Street until Christmas. I think if the town were to help make it happen, we would be helping the corporation. We don't get taxes from vacant premises.

There may be people in the community who would welcome an opportunity to merchandise between now and Christmas,in temporary space, on Yonge Street, if it could be made available. Who knows what might spring from such enterprise.

Is it too late? Maybe. Could we at least give a thought to the notion ? Why not?
Am I suggesting the town take the intitiative? No. But I think the town could have a role in helping it happen.

We already know something about how a Farmer's Market functions.

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