"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Monday 6 December 2010

A Story About Police Strength

According to a story in the Star, Toronto's new Mayor has declared his intention to hire 100 more police officers.

The devil is in the details and first is a reference to legal requirement for police strength.

I have never heard of the "legal requirements" for police strength.

Why would there be. If the Province,generally considered responsible for "legal requirements" believes Toronto Police Force numbers need to be legislated, why doesn't the Province just take over responsibility altogether and cut out the middlemen.

A second detail was the new Mayor's conversation with the President of Toronto Police Association. It was interesting because he had apparently had no conversation with either the Police Chief or Chairman of the Police Services Board.

It seems Mayor Ford returned a call of congratulations on his election from Mr. McCormack Toronto Police Association president.

This little tid-bit should strike a chill in the hearts of politicians everywhere.

It means Rob Ford won the Mayoralty with the support of the Toronto Police Association. A force to be reckoned.

It bodes ill for McGuinty's Liberals. People of a curious mind bent should look for slight or slights delivered to the TPA or its President in the recent past.

It could have been the drive behind the Ontario Firefighters' Association televised rally around Premier McGuinty on the night of the last Provincial election.

Politicians in the know, would immediately recognize the tell-tale relationship between Mayor Ford, the right-wing politician sworn to contract out unionised services, and President McCormack of the Toronto Police Association, as a sign ofa
Faustian Bargain.

Not because of the Power of Ford. Because of the Power of McCormack.

A power shift has been on course in the Province of Ontario for the past three decades.It was one of the side-effects of Regionalisation.

From my observation, the two most powerful unions have about taken complete control of the Province. They absorb the greatest share of resources.There are no checks or balances.As they grow richer, there is ever less money for other desperate needs.

People on social assistance and low wage earners need food banks and 2010 equivalent of soup kitchens to survive.There is but a token attempt to meet housing needs of average income wage earners.

I understand, the Police and Fire Associations have more money in their coffers than the debt of several provinces combined.

It's where the power lies.As always.

1 comment:

Robert the Bruce said...

"Why would there be. If the Province,generally considered responsible for "legal requirements" believes Toronto Police Force numbers need to be legislated, why doesn't the Province just take over responsibility altogether and cut out the middlemen."

The same argurment could be made for the province to take the responsibility of municipal governments. Perhaps this is already happening? Not long ago, we had municipal funding of education. Before that we used to vote for representatives to sit on PUCs or Hyrdo boards.
