"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Tuesday 8 March 2011

I Swear On My Mother's Life

Every word of this is true.

We were at the budget again last night. It's not done yet. Something was added close to the end of the four hour session. We increased  numbers.

Council were informed  $2 K needed to be added to the Chief Administrator's budget to take care of council's decision to approve $4 K  for the Platinum Sponsorship Package for the  Family Business in the town park.

The CAO explained he had $2 K in the budget which is what he had recommended. Council decided to give $5 K, including  a waiver of user fees for the band shell  and the park. Therefore the CAO's budget  was short $2 K.

The budget is not  yet approved. The sponsorship cheque   has not yet been issued. The Mayor  previously explained he had not voted on the question. Information had been requested from the applicant.

I assumed the information was about being a registered foundation.

 Turns out  the town was asking  what would be derived  from  a Platinum Package Sponsorship.

Seems  the information  was  not considered  relevant  last year when the $2 K  half sponsorship was shelled out from  the CAO's office without authorisation of Council.

Last night the question  was  if the information had been received.

The Chief Administrator told Council "they" had come into his office last Friday and given him some  information. He had requested  more details..

In other words, the information was not sufficient. They are  to return with a more credible spiel.(my words) that will stand up to public scrutiny.

Pending that eventuality, an additional $2 K was added to the C.A.O.'s budget.

I  recently asked what  is  derived from a Platinum Package Sponsorship of $8 K from the Chamber of Commerce.That answer too  was  ethereal. I concluded  it's just a means  of funneling money from the town treasury into the Chamber's coffers without any real value being exchanged and  the unwashed masses  easily bamboozled by the suggestion  of  something of the value of precious metal being exchanged for  hard-earned tax dollars.

It's the oldest scam there is.

It's  also what  happens when  asinine precedents are set.

It's like what's happening between the Historical Society and the Culture Centre Board.

The Board 's Purchase of  Culture Agreement with the town provides them with an annual  transfer of funds in the amount of $340 K +, a  rent-free facility with all maintenance provided and all revenue from the program accruing to their bank account.

The town came up with the scheme. The town  drew up the agreement and set the terms of reference.

The Historical Society has  apparently  identified  similarities between culture and heritage.

They  have upped the ante.  They  are requesting a guaranteed annual budget for the services they provide to the community and  their position is not without logic.  

Now see what a mess you've gotten us into Stanley!!

Aah! Oliver my Friend, it's not the only mess .The worst is yet to come.

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