"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Saturday 26 March 2011

Yesterday's Absence

We have unwanted guests in the house. Yesterday was the day for giving them the  heave-ho, the pitch,so long my dears, it has not been good to know you. 

My daughter Heather, aka   general contractor came down and after an hour or so of catching up on each other's lives we got started.

She climbed the ladder and handed things down. I sat at the sink and washed dishes and implements.

We threw out packages. Washed out containers . Walls were washed and cupboard doors.

Scouring,washing and pitching went from floor to ceiling.The only place still left to do by the time she left was the cupboard with bottles of vinegar;malt.apple cider.Worcestershiresauce,hoisin,soy,teriyaki

They will have to wait until next time.

We thought we  got the message across. months ago.  But a few  weeks since it became  obvious they had returned.

Initially they arrived with a bag of wild bird seed .

Never keep wild bird seed in the house.

Or,  for that matter. any other seed for any length of time.

We had purchased sticky cardboard sleeves in numbers and put them about all over the place. What may have been the  fiftieth  or hundredth generation were no longer attracted. Nothing else on the store shelves appeared to fill the bill

Yesterday we put our minds to a natural product that might be in the house that could  be scattered on food cupboard shelves. I had Borax.It's an oldie. So that's what we used.

Last night, the population was reduced to one which  we soon  slapped  out of existence.

If anyone knows of a repellent that deters pesky little moths from staying where they are not welcome we will be glad to hear of it.

It's the reason there was no post yesterday.

When Heather calls ,I have to be ready.

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