"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Thursday 28 July 2011

The Story Continues.

I was just editing  the last post when the phone rang. The permit was in hand. I clicked on publish and  hied out to the site.

Peter was already on the roof with another Peter. His parents opened the first restaurant in the Aurora Shopping Centre  fifty years ago. They knew me when I was Mayor. I was pleased to meet their son , a big burly man , on the roof of the Petch House at the side of Leslie Street, which wasn't even a part of Aurora when he was a boy.

So I stayed for a while and watched. I hadn't had breakfast. The sun came out and it was getting hot.

The part I really wanted to be there for would not be reached for a couple of hours.

The post  was not fully edited. The permit was in hand.

I came home, picking up a Tim Horton breakfast sandwich on the way,  to finish the last post and provide an update.

I want to be there ,when they uncover the roof boards. They haven't been exposed  since the day they were nailed in place. The day, the farmer's family knew they would no longer be exposed to the elements of rough living because  the  cabin was almost finished.The roof was going on.

It must have been a great day.

I wanted to pay my respects to the people who made this place what it  has been  for the rest of us to enjoy.

There were no councils ,no bureaucracies, no government to speak of.

They built it all  from scratch with nothing but  hope , courage, goodwill of neighbours, the sweat of their brow, common sense and integrity.

Just like they built the rough-hewn cabin that still stands, with no help from the Chief Building Official of the Town of Aurora.


David Heard said...

I would like to offer the Petch Family Bible if the Town is interested in having it blessed when it arrives at its new location and home.

Matt Maddocks said...

Very nice Dave. You've had that artifact for quite a while, it's very generous of you to donate it. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

The only problem with the Petch bible is that it is missing the entire old testiment and on has Revelations from the new. It also needs a new cover and the spine is broken.

Christopher Watts said...

The only problem with the Petch house is that it is missing the entire justification for all the attention bestowed upon it. It also needs a new vision and the spines of some of its so-called friends are broken.

Anonymous said...

Do I sense some discord between Ms Buck and Mr Watts?

A topic that they don't agree - truly a red letter day in the lives of this strange little town.

Paul E said...

I have seen the Bible and it is in great condition and fully intact.
Great condition for an early 1800 item.

Anonymous said...

To Paul E.
I would agree as I recall Mr.Heard sharing it at a Cultural Center function.It looked to be in impressive shape for its age and delicate vintage.I wonder why others are spewing untruths and venom.

Anonymous said...

Desperate Carrion Birds !