"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Sunday 25 September 2011


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "All I Know About The Hydro Building":

CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG without the music -

Is this properly another example of the former's malfeasance?

What militia are you referring to? Those with the $300 admission, or others.

We should have this information so we can better understand the role of Canada's Defence Force in Aurora.


I don't think it could properly be described as malfeasance.

Two parties are involved in any lease.

More than one person is engaged on either side.

Contracts are signed on the part of the town by the Mayor and Clerk. They must be authorised by a resolution of Council.

The agreement is or should be drawn up by the Town's legal department.

The Town's Finance department should be briefed to anticipate collecting rent.

I don't know when the contract was amended. I received the e-mail circulated from the former Mayor  that the Minister of Defence had signed the agreement.

I think she'd heard I asked for that to be delayed

I don't know when or if a formal request was made for an amendment.Who made it? Or who received it?

I doubt it went to the Clerk. It would have had to be processed through normal channels. That could not have happened until the new council had taken office. It did not happen after the election or before the new council took office.

On the other hand, the clerk is co-signer to the agreement. His signature would have had to be on the amendment to ensure legality.

The solicitor would have had to have been involved.

That an amendment of sorts was made,  is not in doubt. The rent did not start until February 1st 2011.
Therefore that's when the lease began. Which puts authority for  the lease properly with  the  new Council.

The new council was never at any time made aware of the lease beginning two months into our term of office. Three months after our election.

I don't think malfeasance is the correct term. The word suggests exploitation of a position of trust for personal financial advantage. I don't believe there was any hokery-pokery with finances

The term militia means to me. a peace time army. The guys who hang out at the armories and play week-end soldiers. They take themselves very seriously. My impression is the most important thing they do is provide an army training program for young people; the "kiddies" the former Mayor referred to when she announced successful negotiation of a lease agreement with the Queens York Rangers.

That's what this multi-million dollar property was given up for at the expense of potential assessment revenue and twenty-seven jobs and realisation of capital revenue, or alternatively space that was sorely needed and  used by the town for town purposes.

Go figger...


Anonymous said...

Oh, do be cautious. Evelyn. Fiefdom builders do not
appreciate challenges to their turf.

Anonymous said...

Duck! Incoming hissy fits!

Anonymous said...

Nemesis, thy name is Buck !

Anonymous said...

How dare you and the people on this mutual admiration society that is this blog, take shots at The Queens York Rangers over the building.

The Militia is Canada is something of an incorrect term. The QYR are a reserve unit of the Canadian Armed Forces (now the Canadian Army). They are not a bunch of "wanna be" soldiers or weekend warriors playing on the weekend. To say this shows such ignorance that I am ashamed of you all. They are training using the same equipment and information as the regular forces. These guys and girls are not full-time, they have real jobs or are students in addition to their commitments to the QYR.

Reserve units can be called into active service at any time. Members of a reserve unit can be activated as well and we have seen a number of reservists serve overseas - and some came home in body bags! I'd like top see any of you tell their families that they were "wannabes".

As far as "kiddies" are concerned. This country has a tradition of youth cadet corps for over 100 years. These people are training in a number of things including military skills. The skills - both hard and soft - serve our youth into adult-hood. SAC has a cadet corps too, are they kiddies playing soldiers too?

If you have a proplem with the building deal, it's not the QYR that made it. It's not Chris Ballard's QYR Association either. I suggest that you stop thinking every bad deal is a MorMac conspiracy and start looking at facts.

Also stop BSing everyone that you know everything about everything. You are sadly mistaken.

Anonymous said...

It wasMorris who called the Rangers 'kiddies'.
wasn't funny then or now. No one is talking about
Rangers. The topic is buildings and the use of
same. Man, you are prickly !

Anonymous said...

No one has said a bad word about the Rangers.
Ballard is fair game, it appears that he is using them.
Does anyone know how much they received from his
fundraiser ? Thought not, no big press story.

Anonymous said...

To Mr or Mrs Anonymous at 2:42... The following is directly from Ms Buck's original post:

"The term militia means to me. a peace time army. The guys who hang out at the armories and play week-end soldiers. They take themselves very seriously. My impression is the most important thing they do is provide an army training program for young people; the "kiddies" the former Mayor referred to when she announced successful negotiation of a lease agreement with the Queens York Rangers."

Her "impression" is just as flawed as the former Mayor and the of you toadies here. Do a little research before you call me prickly.

Anonymous said...

Still off topic, Prickly One.

Anonymous said...

Ok... How am I off topic? This thread and another on the blog have somehow tried to link this lease deal to some clandestine goings on at Town Hall or Chris Ballard's QYRA fund raiser.

The reality is, this deal was done between the Town and DND. I have heard that the council was lame duck and could not enter into such an agreement. I challenge Ms Buck or anyone else to show me the section of the Municipal Act that states that a council cannot do anything during this "lame duck" period.

As well, the comments made by Ms Buck et al with regards to the role of the QYR in Aurora, Canada or overseas are incorrect and ignorant of the real facts.

So if you all think that you are experts in municipal politics, you are out of your league with regard to Defence.

So I may be off topic in your little Aurora-centric world, but I don't thinkl so.


Prickly Pete

Anonymous said...

Someone with such problems managing anger
probably should not be allowed near fire arms. Topics
today are salt removal and used of buildings. Your
personal difficulties do not belong, Old Prickly One.

Anonymous said...

Why would Prickly Pete assume no one posting
here was from a military background. Trying to teach grandma how to suck eggs, perhaps ?

Anonymous said...

today are salt removal and used of buildings"

You are right. Ev knows nothing about National Defence and is showing everyone that she knows less about salt contamination. All under the guise that it was not a problem before.... How is it a problem now. I am sure she let's her grandchilren frollic in the garden in the heat of a sunny day without sunblock too.