"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Saturday 22 October 2011

Curiosity Killed the Cat...Satisfaction Made Him fat

I  googled the City of Toronto population statistics and 2011 budget.

The last budget  was 10,630 billion dollars.

Population is 2,539,281 million.

Did the same for City of Calgary ;  population 988,193. Third largest city.

Budget?  Couldn't get a straight answer.

The Mayor is not slim. Watched him on  Utube. Remembered  him  from  Halifax in June. Closes his eyes a lot while speaking .Lots to say about  process and how it was going to be improved under his administration.  Never got around to saying anything specific about the budget.

Like I said ,couldn't get a straight and specific  answer . Might be just my  lack of computer literacy Also  got tired of asking 

Discovered the Province of Alberta took over the cost of Emergency Medical Services  in  2009.

The last  local fire department figures show 51% of the Joint Fire Service activity is Emergency Medical Services.

I've been arguing since  municipalities  took over ambulance service,  a long time ago,  medical  service is a provincial responsibility.

We provide it.  Many  owe their lives to it. Obviously the service needs to be provided at the local level. And we do it well.

But home-owners should not be responsible for its cost. It's clearly a provincial responsibility. The province is collecting revenues from health premiums and  I understand ,from the Liquor .Control Board of Ontario . Both are used to foot the  health services bill;

Lotteries were  introduced to pay for hospital costs.  3%  provincial sales tax  raised so much money,the surfeit was an embarrassment. Now look where it's at.

Fire service   is deemed essential  therefore,although subject to negotiation,, both sides must submit to arbitration.  Costs are  not under anybody's control..

Police and Fire budgets continue  to increase  their  share of municipal budgets. While they do, ever fewer resources are available for other municipal services, specifically social, particularly housing.

Add to that,  the Honorable Dalton McGuinty's publicly stated support  for the financial well-being of  members of the Professional Firefighters Association and their solid appreciation for his government, I think that adds up to a solid argument for the Honorable Member to step up to the plate and finance the whole enchilada.

I wonder what the Honorable Andrea Horwath might have to say about that?

1 comment:

Our Heros said...

First of all the public should not be footing the bill for any fire service , it should be squarely on the backs of the insurance companies , they are the sole benefactors of this service and quite often its the fire fighters who drive up the cost when they flood you house full of water for a boiled over pot.
sorry to say , well no I'm not , ever since 9:11 they have been walking on water and blowing smoke up the assess of far to man y politicians , If politicians had courage, they would put the service out to tender on the open market , You might soon see the cost for this service go for what its really worth !!!!