"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Monday 7 November 2011

No Doubt The World Is Evolving As It Should...Not

A  defeated   mayoralty candidate  had Poppies  to sell in the Liquor store  last week.

Word is, she was working the room at the pre -Remembrance Dinner at the :Aurora Legion on Saturday.

Before that, she led a prayer , while The Mayor was a guest, at what was formerly known as The Mayor's Prayer Breakfast.  

On Sunday  the R.C.M.P.wreath was laid at the Cenotaph by the town's  same former Chief Magistrate.

Certain things have obviously.changed.

In the past, on a question of  protocol ,The  Legion was a prime resource.

No institution was more conscious of rank and respect due than the  military.

Makes sense doesn't it?

Political discussion  was verboten  in the  Legion.

 Ah  yes, you say.  But  things change, Evelyn
Indeed they do. Who should know that better than witnesses of  ongoing change ?

Evidently,the Legion is no longer the institution it once was.

In 2008, an event was held at the Aurora Legion.Its purpose had always been  to  raise funds for the town's  July 1st Parade.  The sum  last raised ,to the best of my re-collection, was $11.000.  Parade Expenses  were covered.

In 2009 the event, still under the auspices of the town, declared itself to have been successful once more.

Sufficient funds were raised  to cover  costs of the event. No funds were available for the Parade.

Word was, but never verified, $5,000 was paid to the Legion.  The remainder was shared between caterers and bands providing entertainment.

Attempts to obtain a precise accounting were not successful.  There is some question about whether or not a silent auction was held. 

Around the same time, the Legion  declared  a  campaign to raise  funds for  necessary repairs and maintenance of their building.

A  flurry of excitement and  support  came  from the same  July 1st Parade sub-committee spokesperson , who promoted  the Legion's campaign with an announcement in the Council Chamber.

Subsequently, in a Letter to the Editor, the spokesperson for  the Legion fund-raising campaign, provided  an exclusive list of  committee members.

There's something else we should all know.

The town pays the Legion's property taxes.

Assessed value of the property shows on the rolls. Taxes are calculated and  paid. with a transfer from the town's general revenues.

Some years ago, maybe ten, the Federal government transferred authority to  Regions  to decide if Legions should  continue to have their taxes paid  by municipalities.

It was the feds response to complaints from  businesses suffering from unfair competition in  catering and restaurant business from Legions.The feds passed the buck

York Region  decided Legions  should continue to enjoy the advantage.  Since there is only one taxpayer, the burden is carried by local businesses and homeowners. In Aurora, we have two Legion buildings on our backs and an  Armouries. 

According to media headlines, the federal government is currently contemplating disbanding the Department of Veteran's Affairs.

Signs are, the fight will be bitter. 

But there had to come a time.

When Legions butt into politics. When  members  no longer understand  the rules that once kept them separate and untouchable, they are no longer the institutions they once were.

The game is forfeit.

Change has its price.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately the Legions are doomed to follow the
downward spiral as did the Bingo Halls when smoking
was banned. If a groups ceases to offer something to
draw new members, it cannot be maintained and it is
useless to try. Individuals should have been aware of
the declining membership and tried to reverse the
trend. There simply is no reason for people to hang out
there now. Too many active healthy alternatives and a
few not so healthy ones are on offer.

Anonymous said...

The former should be publicly "tinguished."

When some retire from elected office, or are booted out, if they have served the public well and then go on to a positive career in their community, they may become called "distinguished."

And then those other self-serving hangers on to any and all opportunities that come their way to meddle in activities from which we would just as soon ban them, these should be referred to as "extinguished."

I period of at least seven years of penance should be imposed upon these "extinguished" ones and they should not be allowed to show their faces in public during this period.

Legions should be the responsibility of the federal government. And so too property taxes on their facilities.

Anonymous said...

More costly real estate, We need someone with a
great plan to level all these empty building and build
affordable housing which we need and which would
allow people to work on Aurora and contribute to the
tax base. We simply must stop that sucking sound of
the treasury being drained.

Anonymous said...

I am so ashamed ! Caught myself wondering who
would trust that person with a collection box, Have
sentenced myself to stripping the clematis from the
fence as penance.

Anonymous said...

How can anyone trust a former mayor resoundingly defeated at the polls after plotting with lawyers the initiation of a civil defamation suit, which after a year and at a total cost probably in excess of $200,000 she then discontinues? QUITS!!! GUTLESS IN THE END.

This is the height of irresponsible hypocrisy.

What sort of values do we impute to our society when she is paraded out in public on behalf of various seemingly respectable groups or organizations?

At present the R.C.M.P has a less than stellar reputation; possibly they are perfect bedmates with Morris.

Prayer Breakfasts, indeed. I don't believe she knows how.

I am beginning to question the integrity and character of those of our citizens who willingly associate with one who has neither of these.

Anonymous said...

It is a shame that Aurorans are beginning to view
any request for money through jaundiced eyes,
wondering if the former and her cronies have
figured out a way to rip another one off.

Anonymous said...

Pathetic , Absolutely Pathetic !!!

Anonymous said...

My word, the hatred for a person is quite unbelievable.

First of all, she did nothing illegal - no matter what you say here, it was all done in the full view of the law.

Second - she lost an election. That does not mean she has to go away forever. If that was the case, how did Buck, Kean, etc. get back into the limelight?

Third - like it or not she is still a member of the community. She has all of the rights that you have. The whole reason behind Nov 11 is remembering those that fought for the right.

There is still an extremely distastseful hatred toward her on this blog and the only other one thst seems to be in business (Watts's). it is for this reason some other bloggers have left the "airways" as the climate was insulting to be in.

Regarding the Legion. It used to be that membership was limited to current and former members of the military, their spouses and others that they would sponser. As the numbers of those groups dwindle, membership was opened to everyone. If you think that people are drawn to the Legion because they could smoke there, you are crazy.

I wish people woild post something that they actually know something about rather than this hogwash.

Matt Maddocks said...

Brave Anonymous poster at 2:17pm, Nov 07 2011:

The hatred for "a person" - BTW, the name of the most hated one is Phyllis Morris - is quite believable. By contrast, I find the fact that there are those like yourself who are willing to attempt to spin and twist her repugnant actions into some sort of pseudo-righteous "she was the victim here" campaign, this truly captures the essence of what is "unbelievable".

To borrow from your numerical pattern:

First - the statement "she did nothing illegal" is essentially still under review, pending the outcome of the Conflict of Interest hearing. Illegal under the criminal code it may not be, but being found guilty of this offense under the Municipal act, while serving as an elected officer of the Town, doesn't exactly merit a "forgive and forget" policy, not around these parts anyway. And if by "in full view of the law" you include a post-midnight meeting behind closed doors, staged to manipulate council into giving her a blank cheque to launch her revenge-filled attack against 3 innocent Aurorans, then I would say you and I have a vastly different opinion of what constitutes "in full view".

Second - she lost an election; yes. She viciously and intentionally set out to punish the first 3 folks she could lay her lawyers bony hand on, without regard for actual truth or fact; yes. She drove a wedge through this town and sent a "chill" through honest and open date; yes. She tried (in vain thankfully) to shut down the most basic of rights we have, the right to free speech and criticism of the government; yes.

Should she go away forever; yes.

Third - wow. To even make the suggestion that there is somehow linkage between the solemn remembrance of the men and women who gave their lives fighting for our freedom, and a woman who callously and cowardly lashed out to seek unmitigated revenge for the loss of what she must have imagined was her rightful position of power...I honestly have no words to describe my sheer disgust at this comparison.

As for your reference to participation in the local blogs, I agree, activity is down from it's previous levels. But where you see this as an indication of an "insulting climate", I'm more inclined to believe it's due to the chill and fear of litigation that your hero has wrought on this Town. In some quarters, it would seem she's won; she has frightened some folks into no longer voicing their opinions and comments, and damaged others to the point where they no longer have any desire to participate in the politics and policies of this Town. Quite the hero you have there.

Riddle me this; if Phyllis Morris hadn't chose the path of destruction she embarked on, would you now be confident enough in your right to comment, to sign your real name?

Anonymous said...

2:17 pm
Did you really put Morris is the category of people
who fought for the right ?
Holy Shit, Batman. What are you smoking ?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 2:17 PM
I believe the reference to Bingo & smoking was an
analogy for dated behaviour. Or that is how I read the comment.

Anonymous said...

To: Anonymous at 2:17 pm - November 7

Someone who breaches the trust of the community would best be gone from it.

The Legion had a noble history but its glory days are now apparently behind. Has it become simply another social organization? If so, it should pay its way in the community.

It is the right of all of us as individuals to like or dislike others, and if we express our feelings in relatively civil language we are free to do so. Please refer to the decision dated July 20, 2011, handed down by Madame Justice Carole Brown.

Anonymous said...

We're new in town and loving this stuff. But who is
Kean ?

Anonymous said...

"My word, the hatred for a person is quite unbelievable"

Nice to see you give equal air time, but really you must be feeling overly compassionate these days to post something as meaningless and utterly useless as this nonsense, Not a "Snow Balls" chance in hell it originated in Aurora , we're far more knowledgeable and sophisticated

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The climate of fear is real and visceral. A loose
count of lawyers comes up with close to 40, a good number of them paid for by the town, which means
you and me. All because of one totally inept council
run by someone without scruples. And do not forget
the other half of Mormac and the complicit
councillors. This is still before the counts but it goes
a long way to explain why people are sick and tired of
the sideshow of that nasty group. And, yes, it would be
great if they vacated instead of taking advantage.

Anonymous said...

A two part question for Mayor Dawe and his
A Who selected Morris to lay a wreath ?
B Was it a Senior Staff member ?

Anonymous said...

The person who asked about Nigel Kean should consult Chris Watt's Archives. Plenty of info there.

Hit the nail on the head said...

Was ready to add my two cents but by golly, after reading Matts editorial theres nothing left to say , Very well put Matt , I think you speak for many thousands of this towns citizens!!!!

Anonymous said...

"Third - like it or not she is still a member of the community. She has all of the rights that you have. The whole reason behind Nov 11 is remembering those that fought for the right"

Yes we all remember the ground breaking , earth shattering , hip and well educated fight for the "right to dry" What a legacy!!!

Anonymous said...

Who appointed her to lay a wreath?

I will take CAOs of The Town of Aurora for $100 Alex.

Anonymous said...

To an equally brave but somewhat mis-guided Mr. Mattocks....

I guess in your world, you are guilty until proven innocent? Is this wild west justice still around?

For the record, I live in Aurora - almost 17 years. I personally do not like Ms Morris but to spew the hatred that you and the ilk of this site and Watts' site is amazing.

In this case I think your hatred is mis-guided. I think that someone within the existing structure of the Town did this. But your hatred for Morris colours your view and you fail to see the real truth.

I would just like to remind everyone here that no one has been convicted of anything. If this was a newspaper you would have prefix your comments with "alleged". But you are already stinging a rope from the tree.

Anonymous said...

She was an alleged mayor but an expert at stringing clotheslines and other BS.

And I've lived here 21 years!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps your upset commentator had a vested
interest in the Mormac Reign. The remarks are
reminiscent of a silly old lawyer who used to post
nonsense. I am still waiting for the list of Morris'
achievements that character kept promising to