"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Saturday 14 January 2012

Well, Y'know

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "What's Up Doc":

"It just requires some common sense to bring about the creation of a joint cultural/historical entity"

... and thank you for your common sense in expressing this. It makes such a change from the ill-informed throw-the-baby-out-with-the-bathwater, scorched earth, conspiratorial comments often found here.

Many of those Aurora Citizen refugee commenter seem to be motivated by a vestigial animosity towards the thankfully-defeated MorMac administration. Their opposition to the Cultural Centre is completely misdirected if they're making some spurious connection to that gratefully-ended era in our town's history.

An accommodation arrangement is the way forward, not always looking back and fighting old battles - especially ones that have nothing to do with current operations.


Those of us who have been around  awhile  fully realise the common sense of  the joint operation concept for the Church Street School building. It is not only commonsense, it is the original concept.

I welcome the comment but let me say, there is no misdirection here and connection to the Mormac regime is by  no means spurious.

I  don't think  commenters to this blog  are refugees from the Aurora Citizen. Numbers indicate readers are increasing  steadily and comments are directed  to the posts.

Anger is justified. The fight is not over. Involvement in this cause and others is good for the state of democracy in Aurora. Politicians and  bureaucracy ignore it at their peril.

At some point along the way  I will  illustrate how Aurora's government structure was re-organised  with the effect of  marginalising  council and placing all power in the hands of Mormac through  a  hand-picked administration

A situation to his liking discovered by an incoming  inexperienced Mayor,who knew no better.


I have an idea for pseudonyms to take the place of posting time of comments.

Instead of anonymous...how about  bird names :

Bluebird,Redbird, Goldfinch Cardinal
Blackbird, Redwing, Chickadee, Hawk
Woodpecker, Bobolink, ,Sparrow, Oriole
Hummingbird, dragonfly,Butterfly, Monarch,
Cricket And Cicada

The names would serve a dual purpose. They would remind us during winter that Spring is just ahead.


Bird of Feather said...

"At some point along the way I will illustrate how Aurora's government structure was re-organised with the effect of marginalising council and placing all power in the hands of Mormac through a hand-picked admiistration"

Appears as though you have been doing just fine as almost everyone of your posts seems to revolve around one fiasco or another left over from earlier days,The problem is there are just so many it's hard to pick one to tackle, One thing is for sure though, you have the parts to do it as well as the knowledge , keep it up, if nothing else you makem think !!

Anonymous said...

We have to try and get the item pulled from the budget so that the contract can be re-negotiated to reflect reality. If we do not, they will continue to promises, but not deliver, co-operation. We are hearing it again now. Whenever the fiefdom is threatened, they try to cast the Historical Society as the backwards party.
The current aim is to survive the budget untouched and then it will be business as usual. Costly and quite un-needed by Aurora.

Anonymous said...

Someone claims we are fighting old battles instead of looking at ' current operations". I, for one am looking at current operations. the whole shebang, and not liking what I see. Until you can show value to the Town that can't be supplied elsewhere cheaper, a need for 'current operations' with weird spending patterns and no responsibility is not viable..
As for "current operations " being distinct from the past, it's the same board of directors, the same antagonistic blog entrants and no scintilla of understanding about being responsible with the money of others. No one bothered to explain that last public relations fiasco because you do not feel you should have to explain. There-in lies the problem. We simply cannot trust you.

Anonymous said...

Question: When is it not called "Subsidized Daycare for Well-to-do Women "?
Answer: When it's called " The Cultural Centre".

Anonymous said...

"Listen up. Son. Your Mother and I have decided it's time you learn to fend for yourself. Find yourself a place and we'll provide first and last month's rent. We'll have a chat about how you are doing in 6 months."

Brickbat supporter said...

Ev is bang on with her take on things.I say a hand picked administration and a gang of councilors supported the ex-mayors cause of a elitist temple of culture.
Me thinks they did not get their next wish, which is a plethora of condos full of snobs to collect at said center.

Anonymous said...

Someone raised an interesting question at lunch. Wanted to know if the Unions were figured into the non-profits because it would impact on salaries. No one knew if St.Kitts paid union wages and salaries are even fuzzier at the Cultural Centre.
Maybe someone out there knows the answer ?

Anonymous said...

Forgive me if this is a dumb question. But why are we paying a group of people top dollar to perform services that can be provided cheaper right here in town ? I've read most of what has been written and it all boils down to money and the use of it. Shouldn't this be a no-brainer for Council and staff ? It is beginning to sound like that playground equipment controversy. For heaven's sake, cut to the chase and shut off the funds.
There are plenty of other subjects, such as can we use the money saved to move the Museum and the Youth Centre forward ?
Done. No More To Say.

Anonymous said...

Can we finally change the subject?

This one has been droned to death.

Thank you.


Anonymous said...

Dear Peckerwood

No we cannot until our history is returned to us.

Anonymous said...

I think the point has been made very clear. Each councillor will make his/her decision as best they can. All we can do is provide them with as much accurate material as possible. And we have done so.
There is no point nagging and repeating ourselves here. Quiet talks in town are up the individuals. You risk alienating Councillors if you attempt to browbeat them. That will be tried by the Cultural Centre - let them further reduce any existing support. They appear the be experts at offending normal people.
Talk about ways to create income and jobs. Perhaps having a look at housing on the site of the former library? Let Council help create something instead of always cleaning up old messes.

Anonymous said...

"There is no point nagging and repeating ourselves here."

You must be new to this blog.

Anonymous said...

Oh, man, what an assignment ! Have you ever tried to have a " quiet talk " with Councilor Windy ? Talk about displacement of air.

Anonymous said...

12:19 PM
You think Sprite is new ?
Have you been living under a rock ?

Anonymous said...

12:19 PM
ASk E about who blew her bad language in closed sessions and why she was not re-elected. Just stupid old history for which you don't care.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous @ 15 January, 2012 12:19 PM said....

"There is no point nagging and repeating ourselves here."

You must be new to this blog.


No kidding. The water rates battle went no where so this is the new cause of the Ev-ites.

This is just another swipe at rubbing the MorMacs' nose in it. What everyone here forgets is that these deals were done withing the legal mandate that the council of the day had. When are we going to stop trying to reverse every MorMac initiative and start doing what needs to be done and govern this Town?

Tracy Smith said...

Last week I went to the Cultural Centre and saw an exhibit by about fifty up and coming artists from Aurora High school .-- the parents, teachers students and residents that were there seemed to be really enjoying it

12:19 PM said...

"12:19 PM
You think Sprite is new ?
Have you been living under a rock ?

Sheesh, it's called sarcasm, T.C.
No, not under a rock, nor living in thrall to Mrs Buck, either.