"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Friday 10 February 2012

A Few Things You Should Know

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Mystery Of The Lease":

"It is the job of Councillors to be aware of anything that takes or gives revenue to the town. A taxpayer can ask about an item and expect an answer. Surely there must be a couple of Councillors who are ' curious '?"

Okay... the building was being used by the Town before. Inbound revenue $0 - outbound cash > $0.
Now the tennants are in, Inbound revenue > $0 - outbound cash a one-time > $0 but should no longer be the case.
Which is a better situation to be in? I think the latter.

The deal is done - move on to the next MorMac decision we need to reverse, this term will be up soon.


1. Funds expended on the building prior to the tenant moving in were far in excess of the first year's rent.
2. This year's capital budget has another $200,000 in the budget to be expended on the building.
3.The Parks department were able to construct furniture and  a gazebo at the facility during winter  months because of having the workshop.
4. The building was more than  adequate, with  bays for parks vehicles and  equipment and a secure yard to accommodate whatever storage was required by the department.
5. At considerable expense a consultant was  retained for a space accommodation study and advised  council that to provide  architect designed space for works and parks combined, at a different location,  will  likely cost the town  $17 million dollars.

Space currently occupied by the parks department abuts the works department. No consideration was   given to the parks department moving to the Hydro building and the works department taking over  parks department space to accommodate the town's need  for the future with no expenditure whatsoever for new facilities.

We contract many of the responsibilities of  public works. The policy should save the town on manpower, equipment and space needs.

Contractors use  the town's  works yard  for equipment, supplies and no doubt their employees use the  facilities as well.

Now tell me again, we should move on and stop thinking about the logic of leasing a  property worth millions,  for revenue less than expenditures that had the potential of producing $69,000 of  taxes revenue and twenty seven jobs. That's the number of employees  prior to Power Stream purchasing Aurora Hydro. .

Explain to me again why you thinks that's sensible management.


Anonymous said...


You have produced a prodigious number of words today.

Do you use all ten fingers on the keyboard or just your indexes?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

good work Ev, set these kooks straight!!

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness someone is raising awareness and trying to get to the bottom of this.

Aurora cleaned house at the Town Hall in order to address its mess and we will see what happens in Georgina but I'm betting that this story isn't over just yet, as much as Mayor Grossi may want to try and deflect and move on.

There is no question that this was a private lawsuit because it had to be ! The fact that the town council can’t admit this point is very scary. They must under-estimate the public, which I think they will soon realise is a BIG mistake.

Council could not legally sue as a town so they effectively found a way around the Charter of Rights and used Grossi as a front man, just as Morris did. The full resources of the town were brought to bear, regardless of the intent of the Charter of Rights as it pertains to trying to protect political free speech and the right of people to hold their government accountable without fear of recrimination by their own government !

Grossi and those who facilitated this PRIVATE legal attack on political free speech should pay all of the legal bills because they didn’t have the common decency to admit what they were in fact doing.

This is about politics at its worst and Grossi's letter in the February 10th issue of the Pefferlaw Post only seems to serve as further proof of that rather obvious conclusion !