"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Readership Is Rising

Comments are streaming in. I'm pleased more people are reading the blog. and  engaging in the discussion.

Sometimes I feel like a kid in the movie."Honey! I shrunk the kids"

If I was invisible, I wouldn't have the second problem to worry about.

I am a Councllor.

I am comfortable providing information that might not otherwise be available.

I believe you have a right to know everything I know, except for the obvious restriction that the town's business interest must be protected.

Privacy of staff is an equal imperative.

Opinions will naturally be formed.in the process. If you are inclined to be critical of staff, this blog is not the medium.

Politicians and others who bring themselves to the forefront, invite reaction. It goes with the territory.

Doesn't mean criticism of staff must be suppressed.

It just means it must be privately expressed. The Mayor and Councillors are your confidential  forum.

The blog provides information. I tell you what I think. I don't tell you what to think. I am glad you are listening.

Take it from there.


Anonymous said...

They will out-spend, out-shout, out-bully us. We are out-gunned as we lack the necessary nastiness and cannot think in the same way. We do need assistance to determine what to do next. With 3 council votes that are never backed by thought, it is impossible to judge if there is adequate will to just shut that sucker down.. And I'm positive that I voted for a guy called Geoff Dawe to be Aurora's Mayor. Anyone heard from him?

Anonymous said...

to 8:56... who are the "we" and "them"?

I personally do not care about the ACC or Museum so I am watching this whole thing from the sidelines.

However, I would hazard a guess that the group that is opposed to you have an entirely equal view that they are right and they are wondering where the Mayor is. They also read this blog and think that there are a bunch of bullies here!

It reminds me of a comedian's routine and was talking about war. Both sides of the war are praying before battle. Both to the same God. Both think that God is on their side. One side is going to be disappointed.

Anonymous said...

What is unclear to me and very frightening is how an unelected bunch of free-loaders came to swear our Mayor and CAO to secrecy. They both ' work ' for Aurora, we pay their salaries. There is no immunity available to protect them from being held responsible for landing us in this mess. Both men knew the history here - no one can claim ignorance. There is only one way for them to get out and it won't be cleanly. That agreement has to go into the shredder. There is absolutely no wiggle-room. Talk about ' negotiations ' is just hot air.

Anonymous said...

Council needs to step in to protect the Town from liabilities that might flow if wrong-doing is discovered on the part of the ACC. A closed session would exclude all outside threats and factors. Let them fight it out in private. Someone's Rec Room would be just fine. Aurora Council DOES have the right to closed sessions to hold the town safe.

Anonymous said...

The Fox is out of the Henhouse today if someone want to talk to staff at the Town Hall.

Anonymous said...

Yes, and he seems a very tolerant and constructive kind of person. Unlike some...

Anonymous said...

Let us be specific about the ' appointed ' Board of the
ACC. They were ' appointed ' by the town's previous administration, those kindly folk who endowed us with three on-going lawsuits and maybe more to come. Since then, they have ' appointed ' each other. There has been no selection based upon abilities, strengths or qualifications. You are only required to be one of the gang.
Basically, they haven't a clue what they are doing, only that it feels good and costs them nothing.

Anonymous said...

Reading some of these comments, it's amusing that termination proponents accuse cultural centre supporters of having an "over the top" reaction to the issue.

Anonymous said...

I have a few questions.

1. How did Phyllis Morris' friend, campaign manager and speech writer, Ken Whitehurst, become the first chair of the ACC,

2. ... what was he paid,

3. ... how long did he serve as chair,

3. ... was he involved in any way with the contract that is now in dispute ?

Anonymous said...

I have a few questions.

1. How did Phyllis Morris' friend, campaign manager and speech writer, Ken Whitehurst, become the first chair of the ACC ?

2. ... what was he paid ?

3. ... how long did he serve as chair ?

4. ... was he involved in any way with the contract that is now in dispute ?