"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Monday 16 July 2012

'Tis TheSeason of Boondoggle.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Last Of The Mohicans":

I think you are incorrect about Councillor Ballard's not being one who met with the proposers.

The comment  could be correct. That's the problem with furtive behind the scenes meetings. There are no records. No minutes.
Nothing to indicate  meetings ever took place. Or what deceptions, extravagant embellishments, coercions and cajolery or general skullduggery took place at the location
Three people on one side of the equation, cooing and doving and whispering sweet nothings and  on the other a person unaware, never thinking; something  is wrong with this picture.
If the concept is so brilliant and above board  and to the  eternal benefit of the community ,why did  it not warrant  a public  presentation  in a delegation before Council with trumpets blaring????
The scheme has been kicking about for weeks,being talked about 
 molded and manipulated ,support solicited in the right places.. preparing labels like " unfriendly to heritage' for the opposition..
It is still without substance.
The objective is clear.
Let's grab us a share of that public mullah .Property owner's with most to gain, out there in the forefront of the potential boondoggle.   

The question was asked  some time ago, if Messrs Granger or Wilson are ever heard of or have they flown the coop?
Granger, I believe is still about.
Wilson is for sure. The sound of train whistles on Saturday and Sunday is a severe trial to him.
Every time I hear the whistle, I smile and send a small prayer of gratitude heavenward. 
Councillor Pirri received an e-mail from Wilson when the trains started to run  at the week-end. 
Now look what you "bunch of brain-dead turds" have done, he said. 


Anonymous said...

The sound of a train whistle must have meant the presence of a train.

Why don't we load the "Sorry Six" who raised your ire onto one of these self-same trains?

Neatly bound in burlap and dipped in tar, feathers optional.

And send them on a trip without end.

This would rid Council of Windy and Stripe. leaving only Bother behind, alone.

Anonymous said...

I thank you for mentioning that the trains now run on the weekends. I love their sound and find them excellent barometers - when we have any weather is predict. Thought I was losing it hearing them on weekends. The facts that I am still reasonably sane and that the sound bothers ex-councillor wilson is a two-for.

Anonymous said...

Until Council can manage the real estate already in their possession, the re-negotiation of the town-owned Center/Museum and handle a simple celebration, the Town's birthday, they should keep their hands in their pockets..The list of unfinished business grows while the sneaky little meetings continue. There has been no evidence that they can work together as a team and certainly should not be allowed to deal with large sums of money. And I am not talking about any specific councillors. The whole bunch have yet to earn my confidence.
Sorry, maybe the heat is getting to me.

Anonymous said...

So Al Wilson, with his "classy" use of the English language and fresh-from-the gutter lexicon finds his voice again! Now I know what I have not missed at the town hall for the last 18 months or so.

Anonymous said...

His language has not improved although I thought he specialized in 'poison-pen ' letters. Odd that he would sign this latest disaster. Always figured him for the ' Anonymous Blogger ' on the Citizen - just trying to prod Morris into a lawsuit. We'll never know but I think he's a perfect candidate.

Anonymous said...

Clr.Wilson is a regular at the Tim Hortons at Dunning Ave under renovation.

I see Mr.Heard frequents the same location.

I wonder if the latter sits with his back to the wall and eyes on the bully.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous July 16 @ 9:19
Don't you mean EX cllr Wilson? He was thrown out with some of the rest of the litigators. The only thing that would have been better is if they had all been turfed out.

Anonymous said...

8:23 PM
Are you suggesting it was an ' inside job '? Certainly the threat on morris's own web-site indicated a person with access to her Blog. The irony of turning over every rock in town when the thing was from within their little gang!

Anonymous said...

In keeping with your mandate on not naming Town Staff, like it or not, some of the people here are now public citizens who have not initiated any conversations on this site. I think that their names should also not be used.