"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Let The Wind Blow Hard..Let The Wind Blow Strong

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "For other uses, see Badger (disambiguation).Badger...":

What was it you said last night at council, something about insinuating comments not being worthy of an elected official? Hmmm...


There is a line between what can be said in a  Council meeting and what might  be said in a blog.I would have thought that was obvious by now.
The Blog has just passed it's five year anniversary. Five years since the idea came in response to the situation I found myself of being reminded constantly my voice had no relevance in the Council of  the day.  
If  the reader was following the thread of my comments last night ,it would have been obvious  the insinuating comments by three Councillors  were  being made against staff.
In the past, two of those Councillors and others agreed to spend $70,000 of taxpayers money to have a  lawyer read  blogs, letters to the editor, and listen to utterances in Council meetings, to contrive a  spurious complaint to  an Integrity Commissioner.
Which complaint was thrown out as "wholly political" among   other less  commendable descriptive phrases. .
Whereupon the Integrity Commissioner was precipitously  stripped of  authority given  only weeks earlier.  
If it were not so serious, it would have been amusing. It was certainly ironic.
During the salivating period  of  their enthusiasm to get going with  Da  Code and  a Commissioner of Ethics I advised them .their plan might not be all they wished.
They didn't listen then.
They are not listening now.
I doubt anyone expected anything different. 
Certainly not myself. 
But then... it's  hardly  my job to cover  their  exposed extremities. . 


Anonymous said...

Twitter conversation between Cllr Ballard & Era-Banner Editor (it looks like Metroland editorial content will be determined by corporate revenue concerns):

Chris Ballard ‏@Chris4Aurora
Too many Town Council decisions being made that are not fact-based, like awarding our advertising contract. On tonight's agenda.

12h Debora Kelly ‏@dlkyorkeditor
@Chris4Aurora Thanks for your support, professionalism. #Politics, self-aggrandizement trumping sound business decisions. #Aurora

12h Chris Ballard ‏@Chris4Aurora
@dlkyorkeditor Welcome to the New #Aurora Council. Taxpayers be damned, it's now about serving special interests.

12h Debora Kelly ‏@dlkyorkeditor
@Chris4Aurora We'll let our readers/taxpayers know :) .... likely many times before Oct. 27, 2014.

Anonymous said...

What do they think they are doing? I think it's great to see them take off the gloves so that we can see them but it is really counter-productive. They have alienated staff & Councilors that they need for that Center rip-off. Truly stupid, but we'll take it with massive thanks.

Anonymous said...

11:30 AM What readers?

Anonymous said...

5:23, not everything relates to "that Center (sic)". Suggesting so sure is tiresome.