"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Tuesday 6 November 2012

So Much To Talk About

My numbers are climbing. More people are participating. There's so much going on around us to talk about.
The Hurricane, the  Presidential election, Mr. McGuinty's shenanigans the town budget,
A smattering of e-mails  have been received from friends of the St Kitts  people. That's a break, I don't have to respond to a deluge to set the record straight. .

The SLAPP  decision  leaped onto our consciousness . The  Conflict of Interest trial is completed.  
Conrad Black erupted on our screen.
No shortage of stuff  to talk about. 
By the way, there's no Brock Speirs. The name of the very capable editor of TheAuroran is Brock Weir. My mistake.
watched the last breath of the campaign last night.Whatever else can be said of Barack Obama, no-one can argue, he did not give the last ounce of  reserves  he possessed, in service to his country. 
Republicans do of course .
Positive  twists turned  in his favour. Mayor Bloomberg of New York.  Governor Christie of New Jersey
Michael Moore guest of Piers Morgan on CNN  but  best of all Harvey Weinstein,  film-maker and  final guest  before votes are counted. 
He chuckled mightily  and  said, he could employ Mitt Romney, John McCain and Rudy Giuliani for the actors they are, to play themselves. 
If  the screen play was being written as we watched  it could not have  evolved  more naturally.
Such drama could  never have been imagined.  
Now comes the waiting . Nothing more can be done. 
The dice is cast . What will be, will be. 
God Help America , let us hope and pray, it will be what it should be.  


Christopher Watts said...

Come tomorrow will U.S. currency be reprinted to read "in god (of planet Kobos) we trust"?

Anonymous said...

No, no it won't.

Anonymous said...

2:46 PM
That could just be good tactics. Sher St.K's was quoted at this year's event saying that she did not decide to hold it until March. The Town had better follow through on setting out the criteria. We need rules regardless of who is interested.

Anonymous said...

The results will be challenged in the courts I bet.The winner ....MITT.

Anonymous said...

Oh please, is that a promise that 2012 was the last Jazz Fest? My fingers, toes and everything are crossed hoping that it is!

Anonymous said...

To: 3:13 PM
Oh please, is that a promise that 2012 was the last Jazz Fest? My fingers, toes and everything are crossed hoping that it is!

Me too, my group is going to apply to have a Rap/Hip-Hop festival instead.