"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Monday 25 February 2013


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Three Questions In A Fountain":

"A conflict of interest happens when an elected representative
exploits authority..."

So, you agree that for you to lobby for your street to be re-done it is a conflict of interest? Regardless of how many other homes are on the street, YOU will benefit from the work.


I agree  it is not your intention to post anything I might agree to. 

I have not lobbied to have my street re-constructed.

When the project comes forward to Council  for approval , if I am a member of Council,  I will consider then if I have an interest different from the general interest of the community.

Because of people like yourself and out of an abundance of caution, I will likely declare a Conflict.

For now, I would appreciate it if you would take yourself off to the nearest toilet, stick your head in the bowl and flush  ten times in sequence.

I do not anticipate for a moment , it will do anything to refresh what's between your ears, but it might remind you your time of influence on Aurora Council is done. 

Any potential  you might have had is in the toilet. 

And if I had or will have any part in making that happen, I shall  be forever grateful.    


Anonymous said...

Which former member of council says this sort of stuff? How do you know?

Anonymous said...

You're obviously not a disciple of Dale Carnegie.

Anonymous said...

You did not lobby to have your street re-done. Nor did Councillor Gaertner when she referred to the state of Murray. You were simply making comparisons with areas that you knew well. This is yet another reason not to have a Ward System. Some idiot would argue that a councillor had a conflict of interest because a topic at the table involved " his/her " Ward. Total Piffle!

Anonymous said...

You go girl!

Anonymous said...

It is clear that at least one, possibly two, failed candidates, have nothing better to do with their time than to monitor this Blog and launch sniper attacks at all & sundry. Obviously they expected to have full time employment always in the pubic eye. Pity that. Not.

Anonymous said...

Laugh out loud. Like REALLY LAUGH OUT LOUD! LOVED IT!!! Steve