"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Thursday 23 January 2014

Pride Goes Before A Fall

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Pardon Me for Feeling Proud.":

It's too bad that you don't feel this regularly


You have to be  there to understand  the pressure when a group of residents decide to pour everything they have into bludgeoning a Council to do what they want.

It's brutal.

One or more inevitably caves.  It's  always been that way.

Councillor Gaertner has emphatically stated .......We are here to do what the  people want.

Some  Councillors develop skills at  speaking one way and voting another. Switch hitting without
the blink of an eye.

You can  feel secure with the majority  and find yourself ,without warning, hanging out to dry.

I"m not talking about myself. I've  never caved. but there is a penalty and I've  paid it.

 I'm willing to take the risk for what I think is right.  I like to live dangerously.  It's the way I'm bent.... or don't bend ...in a manner of speaking.

Yes  I was was proud of colleagues  at Tuesday's meeting.

The elephant  in the room was unmistakeable.

Council came through for the good guys.

Last night,  after midnight, I watched  a program called Independent Lens  on PBS .

The focus was  on problems of  administering  Berkeley University in California. 

Robert Reich, Secretary of Labour in the Clinton Administration.  was teaching a class about the principles of leadership. He talked about the  importance of feedback and the value of having people around  willing to  be honest when you ask how you're doing. 

Pride is not  a useful attribute .

Self-respect is essential.

Feedback is critical.


Anonymous said...

"The elephant in the room was unmistakeable."

But went unacknowledged. Someone at the council table should have called a spade a shovel.

Anonymous said...

Then go forth and do it.

Anonymous said...

I think feed-back for the most part ceased after the election except for on your Blog & maybe Christopher's. The new council hunkered down & tried to do their best. But along the way, they lost touch with those who had voted them into office. Sites became restrictive & confidences were broken. And it was also our fault for being too reticent to voice dismay when it first occurred.

Anonymous said...

Oh, give me a break ! They could have been living next to Justin Beiber !

Not One of the Nine said...

19:37, did thou misseth the part about 'someone at the council table'?

Anonymous said...


Didst thou miss the wail of the trumpet ?

Anonymous said...

Why on earth does is the public not notified when councillors decide to remove themselves from town business because they are not getting their way - it's pretty obvious that it was the three stooges that Pirri was referring too but why not just come out and call them out on their childish inappropriate behaviour.

Anonymous said...

Those Aurora residents can not expect much of a reception at the OMB with their tale of woe. They have a hot potato on their hands with the Canadian Tire warehouse going up in Caledon.

Tim the Enchanter said...

"You have to be there to understand the pressure when a group of residents decide to pour everything they have into bludgeoning a Council to do what they want.
It's brutal.
One or more inevitably caves. It's always been that way."

Councillor Buck succeeds in explaining the reason for pathetic voter turnout.

The time, effort and taxpayer money that is wasted catering to the "Angry Group of the Day" is staggering and seldom in the Town's best interest.

The message is simple and clear.
Unless you have a particular axe to grind, council is of little interest or use.
So why vote?

The annual tax increase will still be about 4% - after council brags how they cut it down from the rumoured 8%.

Even after promising to respect the taxpayer, council will still blow money.
$9000 to get a legal opinion on a cell tower that wasn't even built in Aurora?
And this after the Town solicitor says we can't do anything?

And the fact this council is even CONSIDERING a $10M expenditure to satisfy Aurora's Angry Historical Group is beyond belief.
If there was ever an idea that had "annual funding shortfall" written all over it - this would be it.

And Councillor Buck is "proud" that council did the right thing with the Angry Big Bus Haters Group?
C'mon. Pull the other one.
Even the most disingenuous shape-shifters on council could see the headlines:
"Aurora. You're in good company - unless you're in a wheelchair".
Hello CBC?, CNN? - oops!

Make no mistake though, if the rules hadn't been changed and the group home had to apply for re- zoning, the issue would have occupied months of council time with the outcome far from certain.