"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Friday 7 February 2014

SWOOSH...Did you hear that ?

14.5 acres of land with an allocation of services for ninety-two homes on forty foot lots has been put out for bids in the 2C  planning area of Aurora.

It' s part of the last  lands  available for development within the community.

Bidders will be builder/ developers hungry for  build-ready land.

The town  has been contemplating joining the competition to acquire the land for parks purposes.

It has been discussed behind closed doors because it is a potential real estate transaction.

In  real estate matters, the town's interest must be protected .

The purpose of  the closed door meeting has already been stated as required by the Municipal Act.

I am not giving away any secrets.

 A couple of other things are not secret.

Development charge revenue from 92  single family homes on forty-foot lots would be $5,475,656,

if the land were taken for sports facilities  that revenue  would be forfeit.

A deficit  by that amount  would be created in  revenue forecast from development charges.

A  projection  used to justify capital project spending made necessary  by development forecasts which would not happen.

Not only would  development charge revenues vanish before our eyes, annual assessment revenues
 from 92 homes on forty-foot lots would also not materialize .

The cost of taking the land out of the assessment base would  be added to the cost of  acquiring the land for sports facilities.

Instead of  new tax revenue, the land would be a drain on existing resources.

A forecast  work-load and revenue  to building services department  would not be forthcoming.

Ninety -two applications  won't be processed ... no inspections required.....revenue will not be realized .....but payroll  would be maintained nevertheless.

The proposal did not emanate from Council.

The factors above were not offered in the cost calculations.

The swooshing  sound you hear is the sink hole deepening  under town hall coffers.


Anonymous said...

The Mayor is our front and center regional representative. He knows what should and needs to be done.

Anonymous said...

That speculation bug is awfully infectious.

Anonymous said...

It has to strike some as peculiar how many big-ticket items get a real run through this Council without the original idea coming from there. I don't mind little stupidities like clear garbage bag - but great big whoppers. You can never determine the source of these things. All smoke & mirrors. & all costly.

Anonymous said...

Aurora is spending money on entirely too many projects while it is losing revenue. /We need that housing and all that comes with it. I think Council will let this one go./

Anonymous said...

It is my understanding that minutes of Council/GC meetings for the current week and the Agenda for the following week are supposed to be published on the Town's website by 4:00 pm Friday.

So far neither appears.

Is this something to do with the Communications Dept?

Anonymous said...

A question, please
If the town joined the bidding competition, could it not be accused of conflict of interest ?
I would think developers might claim Aurora was trying to force them to pay more. That in turn would lead to higher home prices & more in fees for the town.
Not being a lawyer or developer, I'm just curious.
Will understand if you don't answer

Anonymous said...

There are still no minutes of the GC meeting of last Tuesday on the town's website.

Anonymous said...

Christopher kicks butt

Anonymous said...

20:08, he would be lucky to correctly spell "butt."

Anonymous said...

But - people enjoy reading his material even if they might not agree with him on all things.