"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Tuesday 18 February 2014

The Election is Hotting Up

News of the Historical Society.

They held an annual meeting and had an election of officers. John McIntyre is the new President. William Albino is Vice-president.

Mr. Albino has offered to provide names of  Council candidates who should not be elected.

A former president of the association infrmed the membership ,the cockamamie scheme for
a Heritage theme  park did not emanate from the Historical Society.

We knew that.

We've always known that.

The  only mystery  initially was M.Albino's purpose on the Board

The claim  of  Historical Society  sub-committethe  status by proponents of the real estate scam
threw a little light. Endorsation of the scheme by the Mayor of the town added credibility/

The outgoing  Society President allowed the illusion to stand. Now that person is going to live elsewhere.Not much chance of accountability there.

Now with the new President -owner of one of the  properties  and Vice President -proponent  of the scheme to flog them to the town, ensconced in   two top offices, the  Honorable Historical Society
will  no doubt once again be  used by the  endlessly persistent and totally scrutable Albino anf his invisible partners,

Too bad they don't have  the same ample resources to  gamble as they have baffle-gab to spill.

Of course , the door is not closed yet,  Council's decision  was to defer for ninety days while directing staff to contnue  to search for partners with deep pockets.

The Gurus will continue to scheme.

That futile exercise will take them  forward to the next  election.

With Albino managing the political campaign , in the same way  he  surely believes he  almost pulled off the hysterical  heritage  theme park  campaign ......there's a chance  he might  still succeed.

Well, My Goodness Me, I can't think of a more  appropriate  campaign issue for  his times.

Castles  in the  air with gingerbread trim and without foundations

Patterned concrete sidewalk to connect jewel-like  synergies with Community Centre  1.

Trees that grow  out of the pattern without root space or room for a canopy.

Build it, they will come, the cry.

So many,  they will spill off  the sidewalk onto  the road

And fill the place with laughter and merriment, vitality and joy because of all you can  have with other people's money and without as much as a by-your-leave.


Anonymous said...

Huh, "other people's money"? A Town amenity in the historic core of the town for the use of and enjoyment by the town's people - sounds ideal.

Anonymous said...

Funny how we never heard of Mr Albino before. His name doesn't appear on lists of volunteers working for the town. It does not appear on lists of electoral candidates. It is not on the advisory board members lists.
He just popped up full- blown with a real need for millions of dollars to support his ' vision ' thing.

Anonymous said...

What wondrous idiocy in the hands of a perfidious few.

Perhaps the newly elected officers of the AHS would be good enough to publish a list of all present members.

As shit disturbers out to enhance their personal finances, along with their recommendation of Council candidates' names who should not be elected, it might be appropriate to publish the names of AHS members with the recommendation that they not be permitted to vote.

Every few years Aurora seems to produce a "special interest group" that has come together to promote something that only a limited few desire and at no personal cost.

The great majority of Aurorans are usually not involved, and even if they had detailed information about the latest scheme, would undoubtedly say screw it. Fix the roads instead

It is seriously doubtful if the majority would support such a scheme.

In a number of American states it is possible to place all manner of public issues on the ballot during elections. That way the general public can say yay or nay.

Aurora should investigate the possibility of doing something similar. It is my understanding that the question whether to have wards can be placed on the ballot. Why not significant cost projects that have a questionable benefit to those other than the promoters whose pockets, they hope, will be stuffed with silver.

That way there might be a much more meaningful public discussions of major issues and the voters could make their opinion known.

Anonymous said...

I find it comic/tragic that an outfit that couldn't even ever raise enough money to keep Hillary House together wants to be involved in a massive scheme involving more residences.

Anonymous said...

I am neither a friend nor a foe of Mr. Albino. I was at the AHS general meeting and I believe that his offer to tell someone which council candidates to vote for was only a joking (if ill-advised, and possibly regretted) aside.

Anonymous said...

And this is the very same group that just received taxpayers' money because they were in ' dire straits ' according to Cllr Humfryes ?
Seriously, Sandra ?

Anonymous said...

They say that in the real world "money talks."

So far the proponents of the Hillary Heritage Park have done nothing but talk, usually BS, while the town has spent at least $25,000 of taxpayer money on a useless proposal - COST BENEFIT STUDY - my foot.

Let Messrs. McIntyre and Spragg make public the asking prices at which they would be prepared to sell their real estate. Stop pussyfooting around!

And then provide to the town a Letter of Credit in the amount of $500,000 "earnest" money, before any further consideration can be given to this scheme.

This should separate the sheep from their bleats.

Anonymous said...

Ask not what you can do to alleviate the tax burdens of Aurora residents. Rather, ask what Aurora residents can do to alleviate your burden.

Anonymous said...


I think he is a joke.

Anonymous said...

"...it might be appropriate to publish the names of AHS members with the recommendation that they not be permitted to vote."

Sure it might be, if we were living in some totalitarian regime, of course.

Anonymous said...

That is what most of the Buckeroos want. You see, their way is the only way and everyone else is wrong and they should probably be killed, except the mess would be over-bearing.

Anonymous said...

I think their ' scout ' on your Blog [ see 15:37 ] told them no one would make a peep. Thought no one would care if the thing got slipped by in the middle of February.

Anonymous said...

15:37 – I like being called a Buckeroo! In fact it’s quite a compliment.

Anonymous said...

12:31. Ahhh I don’t think so! The asking price has already been put forward. Just like the asking price of a house when it’s put on the market to sell. Providing a letter of credit in the amount of $500,000? That just provides another step forward to this scheme! Why would anyone move a scheme forward when you believe it’s a scheme??

Anonymous said...

whole lot of thinking going on in town tonight

Anonymous said...

Councillor Thompson is clearly in the referral/ deferral business whenever anything looks a bit dicey.

Anonymous said...

Streaming gone - assuming you are in closed session. Looks like an early fairly bloodless evening except for
that nonsense about spending money to pretty up empty streets.

Anonymous said...


It used to be that a letter of credit required the party obtaining same to put up at least ten percent in cash.

Let's see some cash!!!

Anonymous said...

They can keep their cash. Not interested in buying into their scheme. There is no future investment in this project or properties. Unless…1. You take the heritage designation off these buildings, and you won’t see that happening. 2. Tear them down, and you won’t see that happening. 3. Then rezone the property….Not happening! We have a group of people trying to sell us swamp land, and I’m not buying. In fact….I wouldn't want it even if they donated it.

Anonymous said...

No one should want involvement at any price. Not even as a gift.

Anonymous said...

The revitalization of a section of Bloor Street in Toronto west of Yonge has become known as the "mink mile" since the shops located there are among the world's most famous retail names, fashion, jewelry, etc. The multi-million dollar cost was shared among the businesses located on that section of Bloor Street.

Presumably the town has in its possession the assessed values of the properties along Yonge St. within the CIP - Community Improvement Plan - that is being proposed. If these are totalled and each individual property is then stated as a percentage of the whole, then that is what that property should be assessed by way of a financial contribution to the plan. This is a simple and reasonably equitable way in which to raise a portion of the funds for this project.

Anonymous said...

I cant' imagine how beautifying Yonge Street would make me want to walk around there. The only time I enjoyed walking on Yonge was during David Heards Haunted Halloween walk years ago on a Sunday night, when the weather was horrible and no cars were wizzing by. Yonge street is busy, stinky and full of buses, service vehicles and agressive drivers. My daughter has the right idea. Do not allow parking on Yonge, including Our Lady of Grace and provide ample parking for shopping and services behind each side of the strip, maybe bulldoze the middle house from the Hillary MacIntyre projectfor more spaces! Stop throwing good money after bad. Stop allowing permits for anything that hasn't enough parking (library, Church Street School) Until the town adresses this congestion issue at Yonge and Wellington, it won't matter about Heritage parks or Promenade initiatives, nothing will make this area more attractive to make me want to stop and shop.

Anonymous said...

One of the new candidates for Council has a husband on the board of the AHS. I had actually been interested in her as a possibility. Worked with a bank. Now I won't have to learn how to spell her name unless others elect her.

Anonymous said...

There is a reference in an article in this week's Auroran, quoting the words of either the Mayor or a councillor, can't figure out which, that suggests a solution to the Promenade problem, lack of strolling space, by simply reducing two lanes of traffic on Yonge Street.

Is it my imagination or not that Yonge Street is a provincial highway and no municipality located along it can make any change, insignificant or otherwise?

What politico was thinking about something else altogether?

Anonymous said...

What are Mr. Albino's credentials?

He is now one-seventh of the Board of the AHS and can have his say on how the Society spends my money, a part of the $70,000 that this council has gratuitously given away.

This is like a kangaroo roaring up out of nowhere with a built-in wallet to hold our cash, and then spend it without a by-your-leave.

We need some sort of committee composed of experienced and wise people to review the acceptability factor for aspiring Board members and even candidates for council.

Anonymous said...

"We need some sort of committee composed of experienced and wise people to review the acceptability factor for aspiring Board members and even candidates for council."

Great! Maybe this 'politburo' can be tasked with ascertaining the AHS membership roll and denying them the vote, as was suggested earlier.

Anonymous said...

Enough of trashing Mr. Albino. Here's a guy, who when retired from a well respected career, commits himself to helping in the community. Years before the Hillary McIntyre project was created,Bill spent endless and thankless hours at the doctors house, scrubbing walls and floors, painting, building exhibits, renovating, remodeling, restoring, fundraising, organizing, preparing and cleaning up after all events held at the property, and there have been many. He does not profit by one penny for his efforts to date, nor for his passion and involvement with the proposed park. I applaud his vision, fortitude and tenacity to keep this idea alive. It will be a sad day if the wolves( developers) are allowed to tear down these homes and "Pave Paradise to Put Up a Parking Lot" or build condos. Don't like the idea, fine, but don't trash the gentleman personally, while you sit at your computer or lap toy and moan. How many of us who sit here and post have rolled up our sleeves to really help in this town, rather than just sit and b*tch? I would love to see this idea go forward.

Anonymous said...

AHS membership is always in flux. Anyone accountable can just move on. And often does.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, 05:49, for your admonition. I don't know the fellow, so some background is helpful - especially for the bashers.

Also, it must be said, thanks to Cllr Buck for allowing this comment to be read.

Anonymous said...

09:23, it sounds like the needle on your sarcasm-meter is broken.

Anonymous said...

I do not sit at my computer & bitch. I participate & I vote. Please read the reasoned arguments on the blog before you judge others.

Anonymous said...

to 5:49
Very nice but you negated your own position.
If all that work and effort and Town $ has been spent on Hillary, why did EVERYONE on Council just agree it was in dire straits ?

Anonymous said...

11:40, you may need the help 05:49 (and others) out by identifying "the reasoned arguments" - they seem to be a bit thin on the ground.

Tim the Enchanter said...

" Do not allow parking on Yonge"
Had to laugh out loud when I read that.
It's been obvious to anyone with a set of eyes that parking on Yonge should have been stopped at 15 or 20 years ago.
It has been at least that long since traffic volume made it impossible for major arteries to pull double duty as parking lots.

As you say, off street parking is the way to go and there's been plenty of time to follow through on affordable solutions.

Almost every candidate for council since the Beatles invaded America has used the "revitalize the downtown core" line - like beauty contestants wanting "world peace" - but apparently none (that I've heard at least) had the nerve or foresight to suggest "No Parking" signs.
Too cheap? Too boring?

Not sure what the problem is.
Simple geography dictates that Yonge St Aurora could never be a cobblestone copy of Old Unionville or Old Main in Newmarket.

The $200K spent on the Promenade Dream study could have gone a long way towards actual downtown improvements.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Hillary Mac vision has now bashed councilors on two occasions;the first was Open Doors at the new Presidents home.

He is a bully.

Anonymous said...

Cold hard dollars & sense trump the vision thing. You are deflect all you want.

Anonymous said...

He does sound a little of the wall. It is far too soon to be picking candidates.

Anonymous said...

16:59, "sense" can be a very amorphous concept, and not always or easily agreed upon.

As evidenced here, many suffer from a lack of vision and sense.

Anonymous said...

Cllr Thompson has visions of his own. He actually compared this donkey to Regents in the city.

Anonymous said...

As I write this there are 36 comments on this post, possibly a record.

But several of the last dozen referring to previous bloggers' times are starting to get a bit tired.

So everyone, pop some vitamins and have a double mug of strong coffee, wash your faces and go back at it fully refreshed.

Anonymous said...

Would you mind watching how this develops and, if necessary, do or farming out a petition ? We don't need duplications or not getting it done because we expect someone else to carry the ball.

Anonymous said...

5:49 AM
Having trouble sleeping ?

Anonymous said...

I'm all refreshed.

Where did everyone go?