"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Friday 2 May 2014

Lighten up, why dontcha

The NDP will not support  the Liberals election platform. So there will be an election later in the Spring.

Well By Golly. that would be now. As if it hasn't been on-going since Dalton McGuinty bade a sad farewell.

Councillor Ballard will be busy. He doesn't have to resign his seat to be a candidate in theprovincial

He  can fullfil his commitment to the town and be a candidate in the provincial election. It should not make a difference.

If he chooses to resign, Council will not have  make a decision between appoint or call a by-election  in the  last six months. An appointment can be made.

If he is elected to the provincial seat but the House isn't called, there's no reason he can't  complete  the term on  Council.

Registration for Council closes in September. We would be in election  mode. Nothing much gets done  during that period.

In answer to the person who doesm't hear anyone  laughing  but me  during Council meetings, that's because you are not really listening to anyone else but me laughing. It must be a real burden for you.

There are plenty of lighter moments during Council meetings.The tangible tocicity  of the previous
ten  years  has vanished from the Council Chamber.


Anonymous said...

The man has it made in the shade.
But....are you certain the NDP is not support the platform ? This is Ontario politics after all.

Anonymous said...

Oops. My bad. That will teach me not to read the Blog before checking the breaking news.

Anonymous said...

Cllr Ballard was quoted " If an election is called, I will step aside "

Anonymous said...

I think Council can manage without one member for the duration of the term. Like, how many times do they meet over the summer ?

Anonymous said...

- in the Auroran when he announced

Anonymous said...

Does this present a problem with your blog, Evelyn ? I ask because we have a difference of opinion, several of them, in our family. I expect the Blog might be the same.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean that the things which were to be increased in price will remain the same ?

Anonymous said...

A by-election would be ridiculous at this point in time, and an appointment would be worse. Richmond Hill had an appointment at the beginning of December. What a farce that was. It was a poor theatrical performance of democracy. Something that Aurora experienced in the last term.

Something Fishy in Aurora said...

The writ will be May 7th, let’s see if C. Ballard is a man of his word.