"Cowardice asks the question...is it safe? Expediency asks the question...is it politic? Vanity asks the question...is it popular? But conscience asks the question...is it right? And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular but one must take it because it is right." ~Dr. Martin Luther King

Thursday 31 July 2014

New Topic

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Check this out":

Are you proposing something similar for Aurora

Posted by Anonymous to Our Town and Its Business at 31 July 2014 11:0


The link was sent to me ,I assume in response to the question I did not ask at the phoney baloney
election  of a candidate to fill the vacant seat.

I am amazed and  certainly impressed with the sculptures in various cities around the world.

Would I like to see something like that in Aurora? Without a doubt?

Is it a practical suggestion? I wish I knew.  I do think it's a good topic of conversation.

A policy has a been adopted for a percentage of funding  to pay for public art.

How much would something like that cost. Who would decide it is art and not a huge  unfunny joke perpetrated against us local yokels.

Is there support in the community  for something like that? Can that be determined without spending an arm and a leg to find out but not really?

If we think $27 million dollars is. reasonable to pay for  a garage and works yard, what would a
spectacular,  world attraction in public art be worth?

Could we afford it?

When my grandchildren were little we  went to the Village of  Clairmont  in Uxbridge I think at Hallowe'en.

Imagination was the only limit to amazing depictions of scary scenes on residents lawns and roofs and verandahs on old and modern homes.

It was a terrific outing.

We went again but it wasn't there any more.

I imagine  a single resident or group had made it happen and they got tired
I think, as I am writing, if we wanted to draw attention. to  ourselves ,it would be a fail safe way of s
doing it.

The big question would be cost / returns.


Anonymous said...

Anything of that nature has to be sufficiently large to deter theft. Even the Little Mermaid has been stolen a time or two.

Anonymous said...

We almost got that pet burial site. It might not have been an art project but the gardening experts could have made it quite attractive. I think there might be one near Markham but I have no idea if people actually visit the place.

Anonymous said...

The US has their Trail of Tears with awesome horses decorated by different organizations & groups. The sculptures are worth a great deal of money & I think they are auctioned off for various charities.

Anonymous said...

Chatter around the farmers market showed there are a few upset at the results.Many saw this as The Mayors biggest mistake and Gallo as a no show didnt win him votes.We need a solid candidate for Mayor.

Anonymous said...

"Many saw this as The Mayors biggest mistake..."

Many would be wrong. It was an issue of little consequence.

Anonymous said...

I do not think he wants it badly enough. He might well decide to run for councillor and let another current candidate run for the top job. No ?